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The Greatest Wealth is Health

2600 BC Chinese Medical Text (Huang Dee Nai-Chang - translated to: Huang Emperor Imperial medicine guide text)

  • Top medical providers prevent diseases before it happens.
  • Mediocre medical providers treat diseases before it becomes evident.
  • Inferior medical providers treat diseases after it becomes full-blown.

    The four pillars of health are: Nutrition, Exercise, Stress Management, Sleep (for recovery). April 2018, I am proud to find (by design): my Triglyceride 68, my HDL 67. The ratio is 1. (yes 1, not a typo, not kidding) Exercise and eating healthy are essential. (unfortunately your local MD won't talk about wellness lifestyle). We have to own health from grass-root with leaders focus on nutrition and prevention. You vote with your food purchase dollars, would you rather buy good foods or pay doctors for drugs and surgery? It is your choice !!!

  • SpanishBankBeachView MtBakerIsland MtBakerCloseUp VancouverBeach 2KayakaVancouverBay I figure this out from many world renownded doctors' webinars on youtube.com and a dozen of books by world renowned doctors. I have more experiences, knowledge and strong motivation for good health than any typical American people. If you think about it, famous cardiologists and fitness trainers got heart attack themselves, do you really think they have this figured out? Are these cholesterol hypothesis and medical school education accurate on prevention?

    My test results all show optimal values:
    Test				Target		Optimal
    HDL >60 80-100
    Triglyceride <130
    LDL (calculated) <130
    Non HDL Cholesterol <130
    Vitamin D (25 hydroxy) >60 ng/mL 80-100
    Homocysteine <11 8 (three pathways: B6, Folate+B12, Choline, test them if Homocysteine high)
    Triglesride/HDL <3.0 <1.0
    LP(a) <10 <5
    ApoB <60
    ApoA1 >131
    ApoB/ApoA1 <0.6
    fasting glucose& <100 <96
    HbA1C (HemoglobenA1C) <5.6
    hsCRP (C-reactive protein) <1.0mg/L <0.3
    LP-PLA2 <200 ng/mL (new marker recently research found activity assay is better by nmol/mL/min) Cleveland Clinic has standardized on activity versus mass assay (both FDA approved)
    Vitamins: K, A, E, K2 (test not very available yet), (K2 Workshop part 1 - must see)..... in range. You get K2 from pasture-feed cow cheese or Nato beans
    Ferritin, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, etc. in range

  • no metabolic symdrone:
  • no over-weight
  • no belly-fat
  • no hypertension
  • no lipid numbers out of range
  • no high fasting blood sugar
  • feel full energy

    Test homocysteine or Methylmalonic acid (homocysteine causes heart desease)
    Test normal liver, kidney function (by Albumin and Creatinin, Bilirubin, AST, ALT, GGT), thyroid, reverse-T3
    Test blood cells (if normal)
    Men - test prostate, men and women after menopause - get Cadiac Cacium Scoring Test
    eat dark chocolate (>80% cocoa) 30g a day, eat avacardo and macadamia nuts
    eat fish or fish oil (OMEGA-3: EPA and DHA) 3-4g a day, minimum 1-2g a day
    eat flaxseed (correctly), hemp seed, chia seed, eat plenty nuts and seeds balanced with taking Omega-3 EPA DHA.
    take cinnamon to regulate insulin and blood sugar
    watch Omega-6/Omega-3 ratio
    in all, most important numbers are: HDL, Triglyceride, A1C, hsCRP, Vitamin-D, homocysteine.

  • eat peanuts that contains Niacin which reduces Triglycerides and reduce LDL.
  • eat plenty nuts and seeds which are mostly Omega6 good fat, balanced with eating fish oil Omega3 good fat.
  • eat kale, collar greens, arugula, beet leaves, beets, spinach which help Endothelium function.
  • eat ginger, garlic, onion, tumeric.
  • eat no refined carb, no added sugar. Dr. William Davis MD, an awesome cardiologist wrote this book Wheat Belly Total Health
  • eat foods rich in phytochemicals and fiber, eat plant based foods with deep color.
  • eat tons (9 servings +) veggie and fruits daily for fiber and phytochemicals that prevents cancer and atherosclerosis. Take phyllium husk if you need more fiber.
  • eat Matcha (high quality green tea powder) and add hibiscus sabdariffa (Dried hibiscus calyces, common name: Jamaica flower) to smoothie drink. These two have highest antioxidants per serving (Dr. Michael Greger's hibiscus sabdriffa title picture is incorrect, in video it is correct).

    Must see Dr. Andrew Weil MD on what foods to eat presentation. Here is 2015 US Government Dietary Guidline, you can find PDF version too - Page 17 "Cholesterol is not a nutrient of concern for overconsumption." Fat and eggs are back. Just don't eat bad fat: trans-fat (banned), hydrogenated oil, processed food, margarine, non-real packaged foods (just look at ingredient list, if it not from nature, don't eat it).

    Theoretically our body is very smart. It should prompt us to eat based on our energy expenditure. However most of us are over-eating in three full meals a day. Worst of all, eating too much starchy carb empty calories artificial foods without real nutrients that invokes insulin which prompts eating more and all that went to fat storage. Over-eating bad stuff takes out the opportunities to eat good stuff, such as good foods that prevents cancer and CVD.

    What to eat now for prevention? Health revolution - Eat real foods. Counting calories is a bad way to design an eating pattern. Not all calories are equal specially if you do not have good gut flora. Nutrient-dense and fiber-dense foods (are with some calories) are most beneficial. Not all calories convert to fat storage. Know nutrition, eat nutrition-dense natural foods is a key, not counting calorie-in calorie-out. I am an expert on thermodynamics and assist teaching thermodynamics at Rice university level. Counting calorie-in calorie-out is a flawed theory. Not every bit of calorie is absorbed, used for energy and/or specially for fat storage. In contrary, empty carb is stored into fat fast due to metabolic process. Fat is a more efficient fuel.