The Greatest Wealth is Health"Let food be thy medicine" -- Hippocrates |
Look, Paleo and Vegan, Me and my dentist called it real-foods diet. The problem is the artificial (manufactured) foods and refined carb, empty calorie and zero nutrient, just that simple! Look at the ingredient list, would you put something that does not come from nature into your mouth? French eats high fat (pasture raised cow cheese), Japanese eats lots seafood. Both countries have low rate of heart attack (about half of America). Both countries have not been food culture invaded. Japanese gene is mostly Japanese, some little Dutch. French gene is a mix of entire Europe cross-road, North Africa and some Middle East. What do they have in common? Vitamin K2? I eat healthy, exercise everyday and donate blood, play tennis at least once a week, pool, kick-boxing, basketball, soccer, elliptical machine. I study like a medical school student, work with my cousin who and his wife both are licensed N.D. in Vancouver Canada. (just remember, our body cannot and would not accept gabage foods, including typical American artifical foods and non-real processed foods.) High fat, high fiber and phytonutrients are essencial to your health. Must see: USDA great nutrition debate, wow, dream team was there 2000. Now if you are confused, look at The Battle of Diets from Stanford University. You may be surprised what you hear from a vegetarian professor. Also I found out how the doctors's ignorance or conflict of interests can kill you. Most American doctors are not rewarded by health insurance by patients' health well-being, instead they were rewarded by treating illness with pharma drugs which often have many side effects. I was told many years not to eat fat, not to eat high cholesterol foods by many doctors who had no nutrition training. That was a big mistake. If you replace food intake with starchy carb, that causes metabolic syndrome and diabetes. (Canadian doctor Jason Fung has 6 hours great presentation The Aetiology of Obesity 6 parts on youtube.) There are tons of more recent medical researches and seminars on Youtube that tell you how we were fooled by a few powerful hot-shots (Ancel Keys). Remember "The King has no clothes on" story? We have to own health from grass-root. Here is 2015 US Government Dietary Guidline, you can find PDF version too - Page 17 "Cholesterol is not a nutrient of concern for overconsumption." Fat and eggs are back. Just don't eat bad fat: trans-fat (banned), hydrogenated oil, processed food, margarine, non-real packaged foods. Don't eat fast carbohydrates - especially junk carb, the ones industrilized human-beings have stripped out the husk and nutritions only left pure white fast carb. In last 100 years after inductry revolution, human-being eats huge amount of refined carb than our ancestors. Eat organic, wild, pasture raised foods. Another must see is Dr. Andrew Weil MD Eat Real Foods presentation which tells you how physicians have no nutrition training was giving wrong advices to patients. Dr. William Davis MD, an awesome cardiologist who was fed up of cutting people up fixing them but they keep coming back for more surgery, wrote this book Wheat Belly Total Health. You can find his presentation on youtube. Once I understood the way he used the catchy name of this book in the context, I found he covers a lot more topics on diet than just no grain. Awesome! Next time on any TV commercial for any pain-killer, pharma-drug, whole grain cracker, or any processed foods you saw, think about it. Is that a brilliant marketing? or is it really good for my health? If we don't buy, they won't make. |
When a person has high serum triglyceride, (i.e. triglyceride to HDL ratio over 3), the Lipoprotein is filled with triglyceride instead of cholesterol for transporting. The liver produces more Lipoprotein trying to transport cholesterol. That is why LDL particle number increases, unfortunately HDL is too low to recycle LDL. The LDL remaining in circulation too long becomes oxidized LDL. With the help of inflammation damaging endothelium cells, Oxidized LDL start to deposit under endothelium layer to form arterial plaque. It is not the thick stable plaque (80-90%) that suddenly kills. Thick plaque, heavily restricted artery causes angina. It is the thin plaque (10-15%) that suddenly ruptures that causes a complete blockage of clotting that kills fast, it is called Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). The first symptom is often death. Two hours is the magic time. After 4 hours, the irreversible damage at heart muscle starts to occur. After 8 hours, the person is dead (dead as heart muscle died). How does hospital save people? During PCI, a cardiologist feeds a catheter with X-ray imaging to reach the blockage in the heart in order to clear the blood clots. The procedure itself is pretty fast, 40 minutes or so. National protocol is 90 minutes from the time you arrived at hospital. The most common risk factors include smoking (not just cigarette - fire fighters), family history (Gene), hypertension, obesity, diabetes, lack of exercise, stress (type A personality), and high blood lipids (further identified as high number of dense LDL or high oxidized LDL). You think you are just border-line pre-diabetic with slight metabolic syndrome, no risk right? Think again. Heart attack more often got to pre-diabetic than diabetes. So simple, What causes triglyceride high? - refined carbohydrates (including added sugar and fructose). What causes pattern B LDL? - low fat diet (good fat required). What causes low HDL? - lack of exercise. (lab tests your HDL). Calcium scoring might be a good way for check-up diagnosis (non-conclusive). Exercise stress test without chemical injection can identify angina. Nuclear stress test is invasive, not recommended for the first diagnosis, can actually see the percentage blockage of arteries. Carotid artery ultrasound is another good way to detect plaque. How do we clear plaque? The recent study has shown high nutritional phytochemicals and vitamin K2 can reverse calcium deposit (Vitamin D and A helps). Is it a given? No, not until human beings as a whole completely understands how heart-attack and CVD. I wish nobody's, family and friends alike, should have suffered such a preventable episode.
The Dogma today of CVD primary and secondary prevention both still include Statin and anti-coagulation (blood thinner) drugs. Watch the second half of this video on CBS, ABC news on report of The dangers of Statin. However recent study in Japan shows these drugs increase artery calcification (K2 Workshop part 1), so the debate is calcification good or bad??? Is calcification of artery to prevent from future plaque rupture (because hard-sealed) or calcification to stiffen artery further? The strong co-relation shows high cardiovascular calcium score is related to MI (heart-attack) and CVD. What do Cardiologists do? They do best in surgery, bypass and procedures - PCI, which makes a lot of money. The standard CVD treatment guideline have not changed yet. Listen carefully to the details of guideline on PCSK9 news (including the "prove me wrong statement" that sounds like humanity does not know - it is ok to admit we don't know instead BS to mis-guide people), until humanity figures this out. Statin does lower LDL. Diet rich in Phytosterol lowers LDL, see PubMed PMC2833354, but A) is LDL really the culprit? or is fireman to put out fire instead - Listen to Cardiologiest Steven Sinatra MD. B) obviously Statin is not yet final solution because it is not proven lowering fatality rate. Statin has been around for a long time, CVD is not eradicated, still number one killer, that is why researches go on. Some doctors cardiologists still tell you don't eat fat despite K2 (K2 Workshop part 1 - must see) is a fat solvable vitamin and eating fat actually makes dense LDL fluffy to get you from pattern B to pattern A; or still tell you don't eat animal products then where would vitamin B12 come from to clear Homocysteine? Being a consumer (or you think you have no risk? How does your lab report look like?), do you choose prevention or surgery? It is your choice. I made the wrong turn before, now I found the real life guidance. I was on whole grain, low fat, low cholesterol diet, and did not have great doctors. I am not going to let it happen again. Now I eat good fat, good cholesterol food, loads of fresh organic produces, fresh nuts and seeds, and other super foods. These are my experiences and research. They are not medical advices. Anybody with medical conditions should discuss with their physicians and health providers. I myself had to choose many doctors. Everybody can be different. Please read the books and webinars, references I provided mostly by MD, ND, PhD. I wish everybody a good health and happy living. |